Site history 2019

The other years
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December 22, 2019: 2019 has been a rather peculiar year for this site. I haven't added a lot of new pages to the site, and the new pages haven't been all that popular, as they are about the advanced parts of web design that only a few people want to learn. An yet the traffic has been steadily increasing all year. It's great, the more visitors the better, but it is a bit odd. It is going to be interesting to see what 2020 brings.

November 18, 2019: Continuing the considerations about tracking and profiling visitors, I just can't be a part of that anymore. It has become too widespread and invasive for me to want to participate. So, out goes Google Analytics on the site. Hopefully things will change, or I find an acceptable alternative, but the way things are right now, I just don't want to be a part of all that tracking and profiling of visitors.

October 11, 2019: Removed all the Google ads. Right now there's a war going on between sites putting a ton of ads on their pages and the increasing use of adblockers, and it appears that there is some unsavory business going on with adblocking software whitelisting some ads, for a prize. The only way to win this war is by not participating, so I'm out. There is also the matter of the excessive tracking and profiling going on right now. I don't mind companies like Google and Facebook making money on ads, but IMO, things are getting out of control. Maybe there's another way to make money on websites.

April 21, 2019: The last six months or so, the number of vistors and countries from where I get visitors has been increasing slowly but steadily. As the objective for the site is to help as many people finding the code they need, this is obviously a source great joy... and a touch of intigue when I see the difference in popular pages between this site and the Danish site with the same content, only in Danish.

March 26, 2019: So, first quarter of the year is done. I haven't had much time for writing for the site, on the other hand I have covered almost all the subjects I'm aware I need to cover. One of the was SVG, which was finished yesterday, and CANVAS is currently being worked on. Hopefully that'll be done in a couple of days. Other than that, I've only had som time for a bit of SEO work on the site.