List of codes for latin letters and numbers

As far as I've gotten:

Character HTML code Numeric code Hex code Description
0 0  zero
1 1  one
2 2   two
3 3 ! three
4 4 " four
5 5 # five
6 6 $ six
7 7 % seven
8 8 & eight
9 9 ' nine
A A )
B B *
C C +
D D ,
E E -
F F .
G G /
H H 0
I I 1
J J &#004A;
K K &#004B;
L L &#004C;
M M &#004D;
N N &#004E;
O O &#004F;
P P 2
Q Q 3
R R 4
S S 5
T T 6
U U 7
V V 8
W W 9
X X :
Y Y &#0059;
Z Z &#005A;
a a =
b b >
c c ?
d d @
e e A
f f B
g g C
h h D
i i E
j j &#006A;
k k &#006B;
l l &#006C;
m m &#006D;
n n &#006E;
o o &#006F;
p p F
q q G
r r H
s s I
t t J
u u K
v v L
w w M
x x N
y y O
z z &#007A;
À À À &#00C0; Latin uppercase A with grave
Á Á Á &#00C1; Latin uppercase A with acute
   &#00C2; Latin uppercase A with circumflex
à à à &#00C3; Latin uppercase A with tilde
Ä Ä Ä &#00C4; Latin uppercase A with diaeresis
Å Å Å &#00C5; Latin uppercase A with ring above
Æ Æ Æ &#00C6; Latin uppercase AE
Ç Ç Ç &#00C7; Latin uppercase C with cedilla
È È È &#00C8; Latin uppercase E with grave
É É É &#00C9; Latin uppercase E with acute
Ê Ê Ê &#00CA; Latin uppercase E with circumflex
Ë Ë Ë &#00CB; Latin uppercase E with diaeresis
Ì Ì Ì &#00CC; Latin uppercase I with grave
Í Í Í &#00CD; Latin uppercase I with acute
Î Î Î &#00CE; Latin uppercase I with circumflex
Ï Ï Ï &#00CF; Latin uppercase I with diaeresis
Ð Ð Ð &#00D0; Latin uppercase ETH
Ñ Ñ Ñ &#00D1; Latin uppercase N with tilde
Ò Ò Ò &#00D2; Latin uppercase O with grave
Ó Ó Ó &#00D3; Latin uppercase O with acute
Ô Ô Ô &#00D4; Latin uppercase O with circumflex
Õ Õ Õ &#00D5; Latin uppercase O with tilde
Ö Ö Ö &#00D6; Latin uppercase O with diaeresis
Ø Ø Ø &#00D8; Latin uppercase O with slash
Ù Ù Ù &#00D9; Latin uppercase U with grave
Ú Ú Ú &#00DA; Latin uppercase U with acute
Û Û Û &#00DB; Latin uppercase U with circumflex
Ü Ü Ü &#00DC; Latin uppercase U with diaeresis
Ý Ý Ý &#00DD; Latin uppercase Y with acute
Þ Þ Þ &#00DE; Latin uppercase THORN
ß ß ß &#00DF; Latin lowercase sharp s - ess-zed
à à à &#00E0; Latin lowercase a with grave
á á á &#00E1; Latin lowercase a with acute
â â â &#00E2; Latin lowercase a with circumflex
ã ã ã &#00E3; Latin lowercase a with tilde
ä ä ä &#00E4; Latin lowercase a with diaeresis
å å å &#00E5; Latin lowercase a with ring above
æ æ æ &#00E6; Latin lowercase ae
ç ç ç &#00E7; Latin lowercase c with cedilla
è è è &#00E8; Latin lowercase e with grave
é é é &#00E9; Latin lowercase e with acute
ê ê ê &#00EA; Latin lowercase e with circumflex
ë ë ë &#00EB; Latin lowercase e with diaeresis
ì ì ì &#00EC; Latin lowercase i with grave
í í í &#00ED; Latin lowercase i with acute
î î î &#00EE; Latin lowercase i with circumflex
ï ï ï &#00EF; Latin lowercase i with diaeresis
ð ð ð &#00F0; Latin lowercase eth
ñ ñ ñ &#00F1; Latin lowercase n with tilde
ò ò ò &#00F2; Latin lowercase o with grave
ó ó ó &#00F3; Latin lowercase o with acute
ô ô ô &#00F4; Latin lowercase o with circumflex
õ õ õ &#00F5; Latin lowercase o with tilde
ö ö ö &#00F6; Latin lowercase o with diaeresis
ø ø ø &#00F8; Latin lowercase o with slash
ù ù ù &#00F9; Latin lowercase u with grave
ú ú ú &#00FA; Latin lowercase u with acute
û û û &#00FB; Latin lowercase u with circumflex
ü ü ü &#00FC; Latin lowercase u with diaeresis
ý ý ý &#00FD; Latin lowercase y with acute
þ þ þ &#00FE; Latin lowercase thorn
ÿ ÿ ÿ &#00FF; Latin lowercase y with diaeresis
Œ Œ ˜ Latin uppercase OE
œ œ ™ Latin lowercase oe
Š Š   Latin uppercase S with caron
š š ¡ Latin lowercase s with caron
Ÿ Ÿ ² Latin uppercase Y with diaeresis
ƒ ƒ À Latin lowercase f with hook - function